Mah Jongg Celebration
All Proceeds Support
Lake/Sumter AAUW College Scholarships
Join us to play mah jongg for a purpose: supporting Lake/Sumter AAUW's college scholarships for women while also bidding farewell to the 2022 Mah Jongg Card. All players who hold a Villages ID or a valid guest pass are welcome to register for this event. Your registration fee and proceeds from a 50-50 drawing will fund a student completing her baccalaureate degree at either Lake Sumter State College or Beacon College.
Location: Allamanda Recreation Center, Card Room
Date: Wednesday March 22, 2023
Time: 6:00 -8:30 p.m.
Doors open at 5:50 p.m.
Cost: $25.00 per person; $100.00 per table
Pre-register by March 15, 2023. Download the registration form and return it, with your check, via snail mail.
Register as a table to play with your friends. We cannot guarantee a foursome for individual registrants.
All participants must have a Villages ID or guest pass.
This is not a tournament. Play for fun and for a purpose.
No gambling permitted. Villages rules prohibit playing for money.
Mah Jongg sets will be provided; BYO pusher and 2022 card.
Water, coffee, and light snacks will be provided; BYOB.
For more information, contact Beth Hicks