American Association of University Women
Lake/Sumter (FL) Branch
2024-25 Branch Leadership
Board of Directors
Each office has one vote on Board issues. Where two people share an office, each person has one-half vote.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of elected officers and directors.
President Jennifer Thompson & Bonnie Weaver
Presidents-Elect Sarah Reagan & Betty Rohan
Directors of Programs Kathy Howe & Laura McLaughlin
Directors of Membership Leslie Flanders & Terri Slotterback
Directors of Finance Diane Erickson & Barbara Fieldman
Secretaries Sandy Plano & Dee Sherman
Appointed Directors
Three members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the co-Presidents and approved by a majority of Board members.
Director of Communications Beth Hicks
Director of Fundraising open
Directors of Public Policy Sue Laluk & Elizabeth White
Branch Committees & Appointed Chairs
Standing Committees
Standing Committees are chaired by the Directors appointed by the co-Presidents and approved by a majority of Board members.
Communications Committee Beth Hicks
Fundraising Committee open
Public Policy Committee Sue Laluk & Elizabeth White
Operations Committees
Operations Committee chairs are engaged by the co-Presidents.
AAUW Funds Diane Geach
Adopt-a-Precinct open
Bylaws and Policies Anne Wilkins
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Jacquie Latzer
Dropbox Manager Carolee Litwinka
E-Mail Distribution Carolee Litwinka
Historian Gay Birchard
Hospitality Ann Marie Lombardi & Bobbie Peters
Newsletter Beth Hicks
Scholarship Susan Gold & Gretchen Lewis
Summer Breakfasts Gay Birchard
Sunshine Ann Marie Lombardi
Tech Team open
Tech Trek Sue Hanson-Otis
Webmaster open
Zoom Administrator Carolee Litwinka