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American Association of University Women
Lake/Sumter  Branch

Member Directory Archives

Click on a button below for a PDF document of the membership directory from the year indicated.


We currently lack directories for 1985-86, 1997-98, and 1998-99.


Until 2022-23, directory distribution  aligned with membership renewal, which was June 30 for all members. As new members joined the branch after the directory was printed, their contact information was published in the monthly newsletter.


In 2022, National AAUW moved to rolling renewals, which made any printed directory out of date as soon as a new member joined the branch. Our branch Board of Directors decided to make the directory available electronically in PDF format in the Members' Pages of the website. New members were added as they joined. The versions of the 2022-23 and 2023-24 directories published at the end of their program year are posted in this archive.

The 1980s
The 1990s
The 2000s
The 2010s
The 2020s
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